Innovation ecosystems

Creating innovation standards

Creating innovation standards
Sorin Cohn
Creating innovation standards

What defines innovation standards? How do you measure and foster innovation in organizations, nurturing an innovative culture?

 “We don’t need more studies in innovation management. We need to apply what we already have learned.”

-Dr Sorin Cohn

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Guest's biography:
Sorin Cohn

Dr. Sorin Cohn leads the International Standards Organization world team developing the ISO56008 standard on innovation operation measurements and metrics. He is Founder & CEO of Competitive Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (c-IM&E) – a company providing innovation management tools and consulting services.

Dr. Cohn was the Chair of the Board of Startup Canada and several other companies. Sorin has led the research on innovation metrics and management for the Center for Business Innovation at the Conference Board of Canada.

Dr. Cohn was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for services to Canada.

Sorin has 40+ years international business & technology experience having been involved in most facets of “innovation management”: from idea to research and lab prototype, from technology to product, new business units, and then to market success on the global stage. He was the Managing Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa for a California optical access company. Early 2000’s, as co-founder and President Global Portfolio of the OrbitIQ global business accelerator, Sorin has been working with technology companies in North America, Israel and Europe to build their market strengths.

Prior to 2000, Sorin held executive positions with Nortel Networks and was Director for Exploratory Programs at BNR. He has developed new technologies, created R&D laboratories, started new product lines and initiated/managed new business units. Sorin has several essential patents and over 100 publications and presentations.

Dr. Cohn received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, an M.Sc. in Physics and an M.Eng. in Engineering Physics. He is providing innovation management workshops and lectures at Canadian, US, European and SE Asian Universities on business management and entrepreneurial innovation.

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